Rustic Tadka is a recipe blog created and written by Anjali P, providing content on home cooked recipes.
Despite my aim to provide high-quality information and advice, itโs important to note that the content and recommendations on this website shouldnโt be seen as professional or without error.
They are simply my own opinions, based on my personal experiences. I share what has worked for me and the things Iโve enjoyed, and therefore recommend to you.
Rustic Tadka is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates program along with some other networks which are an affiliate advertising program which helps me earn a small commission when I link to and when a qualifying purchase is made.
This affiliate marketing program allows my websites to make money by advertising and linking to their products.
I get a small commission when any purchase is made through those links.
Buying through an affiliate link wonโt increase the productโs price.
However, the income from these affiliate links helps us keep and run this website.
My decision to link to a product doesnโt change my opinion about it. I always share my honest views and only recommend products I have tried and truly enjoyed.
Choosing to purchase via a link I provide is completely up to you.
I make it a point to only share links to products that I believe you might find valuable too.
I might suggest various products, services, coaches, and consultants, but please understand these recommendations are not guarantees of their quality or an affirmation of the accuracy of their information.
My suggestions are based on personal experience, but you should always do your own research to verify the details of these recommendations. When you follow third-party or external links, you do so at your own risk, and I cannot be held responsible for the advice or recommendations provided by others.
The decision to make a purchase through any link is entirely yours.
However, I donโt have any control over external websites and their content.
These sites manage their information independently. Therefore, if any problems or damages arise, Rustic Tadka or my collaborators cannot be held accountable.
Rustic Tadka reserves the right to remove, change, or move any images or content at any time without warning.
Everything on this site is copyrighted. You must not use, copy, republish, repost, upload, or duplicate any content, images, or materials from this site on your blogs, websites, social media, etc., unless you are crediting this website or have received direct written permission to do so.
Ebooks & Digital Products
The eBook Easy Indian Vegan Recipes for Everyday Cooking is a digital product intended for informational purposes only. While we strive to provide accurate recipes and tips, results may vary based on individual preferences and cooking techniques.
The eBook is non-refundable under any circumstances. Unauthorized sharing, selling, or duplication of the eBookโs content is strictly prohibited under copyright law. By purchasing, you agree to these terms.
If you have any questions, or concerns, or are interested in working together, feel free to reach out to me at or through my social media profiles.